SCS013: Know What You Want Go After It and Here Is How with Donald Kelly

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So many people do not know what they want out of life. Do you know what you want? Are you one of those who so far have gone through or is going through life without any direction or compass to guide you?

Donald Kelly and Kingsley GrantWhat if you could know what you want?

What if you were to wake up tomorrow morning knowing what you want to do with your life, what difference would that make?

How would you be feeling?

This is what our guest – Donald C. Kelly – talked about on this episode of Success Caribbean Style Podcast.

Even though he didn’t give you a step by step way to discover what you want out of life or gave you a crystal ball, which he nor I doesn’t really believe in, yet you will find some key principles that will be helpful to you.

Donald described his migration story as one where it came with many challenges. He bounced around in the initial stages between family and friends while his mom hustled to make a life where they would all one day be together again.

He talks about the experience of having to lose their home and having to figure out how to survive, which he did.

Migration, according to Donald, has it’s challenges.

He cited the times when he was picked on because of his accent. He would do everything in his power to speak the way this new culture “demanded” so that he would not be picked on as much.

In doing so, he had to in someway become someone else. This required to some extent that he gave up a part of his culture, until he later realized it was cool to have an accent. This lesson taught him a number of things and he now help others to find their uniqueness, embrace it and use it to their advantage.

Here are a few things to know about Donald.

ackee-saltfish-editedFavorite Dish: Ackee and Saltfish

Favorite Saying: yawdman or yawdy – someone who is considered an original from the island of Jamaica.

Place(s) You Must See: Dunns River Falls

Definition of Success: means the ability to be happy; to be at peace and to be comfortable

In discussing the issue of success in the light of having peace and being comfortable, Donald made these points:

  • people not having peace is not going to be at peace
  • strive to have peace and contentment with yourself
  • you can have monetary goals but it has to be more than that

Lessons learned:

  • utilize the unique advantages you have as a non-native indvidual – hard work
  • you may at times feel like an outsider, but don’t allow that to stop you
  • felt like a walk on athlete who is not taken as serious, therefore prove to yourself you can do it
  • when it feels like others have counted you out, make that a driving force.

Tweet: you were born an original don’t die a copy – Donald Kelly

Greatest Accomplishment(s):

  • married to his wife who is a support and an encouragement
  • finding out that he’s a good speaker and can use his gift to help others; inspire them
  • use in personal life; with friends; in church

Donald’s Bio:

Donald Kelly is a sales trainer, podcast host and an award winning speaker.

He is the 2013 Toastmaster District 47 Humorous Speaking Champion. He recently competed in the Semifinals of the World Championship of Public Speaking, where he placed in the top 30 of thousands of speakers worldwide.

Donald and his podcast, The Sales Evangelist, have been mentioned in magazines such as Entrepreneur Magazine, The Huffington Post, South Florida Business Journal and Yahoo Finance.

He travels throughout the United States offering workshops, keynote speeches and educating struggling sales teams.


Contact Donald:

LinkedIn: Donald C. Kelly

Twitter: @DonaldCKelly

Facebook: The Sales Evangelist

Book(s) Recommended:

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles DuHigg

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